So this morning I awoke to a sound similar to the sound of someone dumping a bucket of legos down a set of stairs – very loud crashing, followed by very loud crying.
“Braeden, are you ok, are you ok Braeden?”
Well, I’ll save you the drama except to find out that Braeden had taken the whiteboard, put it on the top of the stairs and slid down on top of it (and rumor has it Bella was on it too – because I heard her say “I didn’t get hurt”, to which Braeden replied “that’s because you’re feet didn’t stick out”..
Amanda had decided to let them watch Dennis the Menace this morning without parental supervision.
I am so used to our children’s dangerous antics, that I lay in bed thinking:
“Well, if he is crying he is still alive. If Donnie isn’t screaming, then there is no blood”.
Braeden came wandering into the room crying:
“Donnie said it was safe. Donnie said I wouldn’t get hurt.”
So, I said to Braeden:
“Braeden, you have to learn to use your common sense.”
To which he replied:
“What is common sense?”
I said:
“Braeden, if Donnie told you it was safe to jump off the roof, would you do it?”
He replied, “No”, between sobs.
“And why not”, I asked?
“Because I would get hurt” (whimper).
“Well, that’s what common sense is”, I replied.
Braeden went quiet…
A few minutes later he said “But Pappa, how would I get on the roof anyway?”.
OMG! I thought, he sat there the last couple minutes thinking about jumping off the roof, and his only concern was how he would actually get up there. This boy is scary!
As my mother always used to say to me; “When they passed out the brains, Braeden thought they said drains and said ‘Give me a little one with a lot of holes in it’”!