I followed the BLM protests in NPN very closely tonight. I have very close friends with dark skin – some of my children have really dark skin. Yet, whatever your shade, if you want to identify with those with ‘black skin’: let me say this: Dark skin is beautiful, but white skin is too; so is every. shade. in-between.
In fact, it’s really the people behind the color that are beautiful, not the color itself – and some people, despite their color, are rotten. Can you really judge everyone who shares a certain shade of melanin by the actions of other similar shades? Every person is unique, every situation is different; It isn’t the skin color that makes you who you are; it is who you are inside and what you do, that makes you who you are.
That said, racism is stupid; the distinction based on skin color is stupid: people are people.
As it relates to tonight’s local protests: I have no idea what blocking traffic does to accomplish the recognition that people are people; but I’m glad there was no reported violence – at least that still leaves our local community with the option to move forward with life without fear of continuous reprisals.
I am proud of our community that it remained non-violent; and yet ask of us all: aren’t there better ways?
Teach your children at home, to understand that we are all created in His image; formed from the same seed, valued in the same way. Don’t teach division and segregation.