I don’t usually blog for no apparent reason, but I figured I would tonight. On Monday of this past week I went rock climbing and mountain climbing… I’m afraid of heights.. but I managed pretty well…
I got up 100 feet or so and back down – while harnessed and locked into the side of the mountain, but I was too scared to go up the other 900 or so feet, attached to nothing but a rope and a piece of metal stuck into the side of the mountain – so instead I decided to climb up the side of the mountain, almost as steep, by myself with no rope, but I had trees and roots and rocks to hold on to.
A couple times I was ready to just throw myself over the side and be done with it – but determined as I was to make it to the top – I did indeed. Then I sat at the top of the mountain and waited to meet God in the clouds. I could say that He never showed up, but I’m not so sure… it at least wasn’t the rapture – so, unfortunately I was stuck climbing back down the mountain again (which wasn’t as bad as I feared it was going to be).
Anyway, so then on Tuesday, we went to Story land with the kids. I have to admit, that while I wasn’t overly impressed at the cost of story land, nor the cliché of the whole ordeal – we did have a lot of fun. The kids actually got along and stopped fighting for like 6 hours straight, and I actually spent time with my family (without a computer or an IPOD for like 6 hours straight).
Donovan & Braeden & Bella and I played in the ball house for like an hour, and Donnie & Braeden and I went on the roller coaster ride! 🙂 Amanda went on the crazy barn with Donnie & Brady, and we went on the teacup and floating balloon rides together as a family. I had A LOT of fun. I enjoyed myself. I’m going to put pictures up on the MySpace as soon as I get them from Amanda.