What’s that you say?

My new watch keeps warning me every time I take the harley out that it is going to make me deaf.

Funny, because every time I take the Harley out, I’m thinking, “Why isn’t my motorcycle louder than this?”

I guess the watch is right.

Bob Harley has a lot to say.

Where were you when I needed you!?

Over the last year, it’s been pretty hard to not put on a couple COVID pounds… or, let’s be honest, about 20 COVID pounds; and as of late, when I’m looking in the mirror, and I say “Man, I’ve gotten pretty fat”, my wife @amandarachael is quick to say “You’re not fat”…..

Well, today, I went to the chiropractor (long overdue), and the chiropractor says… hrm… “you’re kind of fat, that’s gonna hurt your back”.

AND Amanda is sitting in the chair, right next to me, and she didn’t jump to defend my honor! Where were you when I needed you?!?

Well played, fairweather friend! 😜

Socks and first world problems :(

I decided to treat myself to new socks, so I wouldn’t have to keep spending 15 minutes every morning searching the floordrobe for socks… only to find out that the new socks have a (l)eft and (r)ight orientation. 


To add insult to injury, I didn’t realize this until I finally decided that the socks were too uncomfortable and I needed to return them. I went to take them off and found the L on the R side, at least I got them switched around now….


We went down to the dock today after work, and @amandarachael found both a lollipop and a can of sprite just sitting there, alone.  She was so pleased at the treasure she found.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, Braeden was pretty upset, because he put down a lollipop and a can of sprite and they were mysteriously consumed by some unknown thief.

Why do you wear socks?

COVID has broken a lot of things, not the least to mention is our view of the world.

This morning I made a comment to Braeden, that I was performing my morning mental exercise, e.g. trying to find matching sock colors in the “sock bin”.. it’s not an easy thing to do.

His response: “Why do you have to wear socks, people can’t see your feet on video chat.”

I wonder how far you could take that line of reasoning, or how far some people do take it… 🤨

Send help.. I think my marriage is in trouble!

So, I asked again what Amanda wants for Christmas, and she responds:

We’ve been married for almost 22 years, you should know what I want.

Danger, Will Robinson.

I can’t figure out what she is thinking day-to-day, and somehow I am now supposed to remember what she thought (or might have said) sometime this past year. It would have sounded something like this I’m sure: “Oh, that looks nice”.

She asks for more dogs and cats daily, but I have pointed out at every turn that either I or one of her myriad of animals will need to die first before that will happen.

I sought the advice of Amazon, and it wasn’t helpful at all. While I might not know what she DOES want, at least I know what she DOESN’T want when I see it.

I only have 119, 928,851 options to pick from.

Send good vibes, I don’t think Christmas is going to go well for me this year.

Patient log: Day 10 at the Chiropractor

This morning I was reminded of a memory from facebook. I tried to laugh, but it hurt too much, and then I threw my back out in the violent aftermath of an unexpected sneeze. I hope I didn’t wake any of the cats. Maybe I am allergic to cats; I hope not though, I like living at home.

I wonder what sebastian is having for dinner tonight.

The Cat is King