Gone but not forgotten…

I only checked his blogs every one to two months – last time I read, everything was going fine – if only I had been using RSS back then.

Today I found out that Robert Jordan passed away over two months ago. I’m deeply saddened.

He is by far, to me, one of the best Sci Fi writers I have ever read (in fact, I have read his 12 books in his series so far two times over), with his intricate, detailed, masterful weaving of the wheel of time, I have always been amazed.

I didn’t know him personally, but by reading his blogs, and reading his books, I felt that I knew quite a lot about him; seeing someones creative nature really gives you an insight of what they are capable of – a reflection into the creator who created them with their gifts.

Our loss is his gain. Not even knowing him, but being so enthralled with his books, I sit here feeling like I have also lost a part of me – strange I know.
