Word of the day

Today’s word of the day are three legal words that are so cool, you’re bound to make people look at you funny when you use them.

The first word is nonfeasance. This word is used to legally describe someone not performing a duty required of them. For example, when my wife doesn’t make me breakfast, she can be charged by me in the court of the home as being guilty of nonfeasance.

The second word is misfeasance. This word is used to legally describe someone not performing a duty to the quality that was expected. For example, when my wife makes breakfast, but it’s burnt to a crisp because she was busy talking on the phone the whole time she was making it, and not really paying attention to what she was doing, she can be charged by me in the court of the home as being guilty of misfeasance.

The third word is malfeasance. This word is used to legally describe someone who participates in purposeful neglect of carrying out ones prescribed duties. For example, if after reading this blog post, my wife just decides to stop feeding me, and I then die of starvation, she could be held, by me, in the court of the home as being guilty of malfeasance.

Of course, if I really starved to death because she wasn’t feeding me, most people would consider me to have gotten what I deserved being such a lazy, helpless person, but, you get the point anyway…

You know, that reminds me, it’s 1:00 o’clock, and I haven’t had lunch yet, when is my wife coming home!