I think it’s a bit naive if one was to believe that the man sitting in the seat of President of the United States has such a big impact on what our country does from a law and policy prospective. The majority of the power is and remains in the hands of the upper and lower House; and those individuals are there as a result of the way the people in this country think and vote.
I personally think it’s foolish how much time and money our country spends on campaigning for presidency – if the citizens in our country could even spend the smallest fraction of effort focusing on some of the things that plague this country, rather than fighting and bickering about which talking head would be better for the country, if we could spend even a fraction of the campaign money on trying to turn this country around – that would be a long stride in where we need to be.
I was registered as an Independent until Clinton and his little affair (I use the term univocally) – and now I’m registered as a Republican. I am not voting for McCain, not because I want Obama as a president, but because I would like to see a chance to allow change, change that I don’t see happening the way things are currently going and have been going over the last 12 years.
But, whether you’re a liberal or conservative, republican or democrat, whatever change you’re looking for, no change is going to come about until the people themselves have changed.
The president doesn’t determine the state of this country – the people do. And we’ve made a huge mess of things.
Ideologically, Obama and I just don’t meet eye-to-eye (or anywhere in the vicinity of the face); but I couldn’t vote for another Republican either! I voted for Nader! 🙂
I find it very likely that Obama will win the presidency – quello che sarà! Our country has to rebound; it will rebound, with whoever is at the helm.
The good thing for democrats is that they can claim it was a Democrat president who did it – the good thing for everyone else, is it will happen either way!
[This is where I start to discuss Orwellian prophecy; but for the sake of brevity]