Word of the day

Today’s word of the day are three legal words that are so cool, you’re bound to make people look at you funny when you use them.

The first word is nonfeasance. This word is used to legally describe someone not performing a duty required of them. For example, when my wife doesn’t make me breakfast, she can be charged by me in the court of the home as being guilty of nonfeasance.

The second word is misfeasance. This word is used to legally describe someone not performing a duty to the quality that was expected. For example, when my wife makes breakfast, but it’s burnt to a crisp because she was busy talking on the phone the whole time she was making it, and not really paying attention to what she was doing, she can be charged by me in the court of the home as being guilty of misfeasance.

The third word is malfeasance. This word is used to legally describe someone who participates in purposeful neglect of carrying out ones prescribed duties. For example, if after reading this blog post, my wife just decides to stop feeding me, and I then die of starvation, she could be held, by me, in the court of the home as being guilty of malfeasance.

Of course, if I really starved to death because she wasn’t feeding me, most people would consider me to have gotten what I deserved being such a lazy, helpless person, but, you get the point anyway…

You know, that reminds me, it’s 1:00 o’clock, and I haven’t had lunch yet, when is my wife coming home!

Should requirements of biblical forgiveness extend to an animal?

Ok, it sounds like a simple question: let’s say your animal does something to piss you off.

You make it very obvious to the animal that what it does was wrong (in psych speak you say “I’m a person, and I have feelings, and what you did really hurt me” – or perhaps you just kick it…).

Then, the animal does it again, deliberately, obviously, purposefully, as if to say “I’m an animal and I’m going to do what I like”.

So, if this animal was a person, you’d be obligated to show compassion on it (for at least 490 times [7*70 for all you mathematically oriented people]), before you could wax it.

So, I’m wondering – do we actually have to forgive an animal 490 times too?

I thought about this long and hard (for all of a couple minutes) – and realized that the answer was an obvious “No”.

Therefore: I’m sending my dog to the meat packers!

Hot & Muggy

So after work today I was supposed to go work on the garden, stack some wood that I cut down & up two days ago, mow the lawn, and feed the wood stove, as well as work on homework.

It was so hot, that instead I spent two hours setting up this new blog site, went and unloaded a few rounds out of the Glock 22 & 27 with my little brother, and am now sitting at my sons computer and watching the polywogs.

Nothing very interesting happened today, really, and this is pretty boring. I think I’ll create a new blog category called “Diary”. That’s where I can put the not-so interesting stuff that probably no one would be interested in reading, unless I dropped dead.

Time to go pray with my two boys – I have a feeling that the little girl has already fell asleep…


Dick’s sporting goods was running a special, so we went and bought another kayak for donovan on sunday.

Yesterday evening we went out in the Kayak’s as a family – I loved it. Nature is beautiful, it’s amazing the God created it just for us. Someday we’ll get to enjoy it the way He intended. But in the mean time:

Here Donovan, who hates to do anything physical, went out and paddled his own kayak around on the lake for almost an hour. Bella just sat was a quiet little mouse as she often is without her brothers to antagonize her – and Braeden, miracle of all Miracles – sat still for almst an hour!!!

We saw a turtle, a fish net, a lure, a loon as big as braeden (in fact, we chased it around the lake – and at one point got within 10 feet of it – they are HUGE – and they are faster than fish @ swimming). We caught an old stinky shoe too.

There really seems to be very little that we do as a family, because I get bored really easy when doing anything the children like to do – but I think we have finally found something that we can all enjoy.

The birds, the peepers, the loons at dusk, the dead crayfish we found on the dock – it was all so amazing, and more than anything, we got to spend time together as a family without arguing, or computers, or books, or ipods or television – just back to nature.

Despite a rocky start where I couldn’t for the life of me get the kayak on my little sleeper car, things turned out all right.

It’s probably the best time I’ve had in a long, long time. Did I mention, there was no fighting! 🙂

Thanks God!

The little Christ

I’m dressing up like Christ today

I’m walking out the door

I don’t quite fit inside his skin

I’m lacking so much more

Outside you see this humble soul

That cares and gives and loves

Inside, alas, so much is bad

It’s stained, it takes and shoves

Each day I put this costume on

To do the things He’d do

I walk the walk, I talk the talk

Yet, things still show right through

But every day I put him on,

I feel a bit more sure,

As passes time, the thing I find

His being covers more

I wonder if I shrink to fit

The skin he let me wear

Or if it grows to cover those

Places that I’m so bare

But what I’ve found, as time winds down

My image shines so bright

For by his power, in my last hour

He seals me with his might.

Less of me, and more of Christ!

© 2007 Jediah Logiodice

Meditation on the Lord’s Supper



To sup

Usually, I stand, I hear those words

                "His body was broken for you"

They cut to the heart

They make you invite his goodness, richness and mercy

The soft, sopped bread,

The bitter sweet taste of bled grapes

Into your unsavory and rotting meat,                                     gracious,              bewildered                                        

                "Why did He love me so?"

But wait!

Just try sometime                                                            standing there

                In the echoed silent halls of two thousand years of Saints

                                As they crowd around to eat

To speak those words to others

                Almost like a double edged sword

                                They reach and stab and pierce your innermost parts

And each time it becomes more unbearable

                The finality                          the weightiness of the gift

                                "His body was broken for you" 

                                                "His body was broken for you"

                                                                "His body was broken for you"



                                 "His body was broken for you"

The fullness of each hammer swung word

                Echoes. Haunts.

                Tightens the nail around His flesh

                                Grips the flesh around your eyes                             

The catholicity of his sacrifice comes crashing down around you

                Almost bringing you to your knees in full                                                               perpetual prostration

It wasn’t for you only that your "personal savior" died

                It was for him,

                                                And her,

                                                                                And him,

                                                                                                                And her

And for as many as there are to come to the feast

                                                                His body was broken for them too.


© 2008 Jediah Logiodice

Vulnerability in Windows Internet Explorer 6 & 7

Almost a month ago, I reported this vulnerability to Microsoft, and they came back and confirmed it was a problem, but then came back and said “It’s no big deal, we’ll fix it in the next release”.

Microsoft has this track record with me of saying “It’s no big deal”, and then later making it a big deal, and never giving me credit for helping them. So I told them I was bringing this one public if they really thought it was no big deal, then no harm done… – they never asked me not to…

So I tried posting it to bugtraq – 24 hours after my first post didn’t show up, I reposted with a second account, thinking that the first post was blocked because I used an email address that wasn’t subscribed – almost 15 hours later, and the second post hasn’t shown up – I’m begining to wonder if someone is blocking the post (for whatever reason).

I emailed the list owner, and no response and after about 18 hours no response… so I guess it’s up to me to just start posting the problem around on the internet to get the word out.

I’ve tried posting this thread on two different security forums, and each forum throws an exception and doesn’t let me post… I think the world is out to squash Microsoft Internet Explorer Vulnerabilities….. at least I can post here!

This vulnerability may have limited destructive powers based on the current description that I’ve come up with, because of it requiring both the server owner and the client user to practice poor security habits – but isn’t that what the world is filled with – people that don’t practice safe security habits? It is also possible that someone else with more time on their hands can come up with other variants that would be a bit more destructive.

Web application Scenario:

1.Website accepts file uploads from users
2.Website follows recommended security for file uploads including two that are important to this discussion:
a.The document being uploaded is not stored in a directory that is accessible by Web Users (it is served up from a back end process when requested by users)
b.The users do not have execute permissions on the documents that are stored on the server (only permissions that are granted for download)

Attack scenario:

1.Attacker uploads HTML file to site
a.This HTML file contains:
i.Copy of logon form from the website, including relative pathing to website for cascading style sheets, images, etc.
ii.Attacker modifies form post location, so form posts go to a site the attacker controls
2.Website provides other users the ability based on their authorization to download and view the HTML file that the attacker uploads

IE Response:

1.Authenticated users click on HTML file and are presented with the download popup, file is streamed from a repository other than a web accessible location from the server
2.When prompted, users choose “Open” from the download popup, allowing default application to open the downloaded file
3.IE opens the HTML page in the current IE window (this has been verified against both IE 6 and IE 7), but IE does not change the security zone, or the URL of the IE address bar, so now the user sees the (modified) logon page of the site, but is given no indication (apart from opening and reviewing source code) that this page is not hosted on the site they are visiting
4.IE, thinking the HTML page has been served up from the remote site in the normal use case, also resolves all relative paths (cascading style sheets, images, etc) from the server
5.User – while thinking it odd that they are being prompted to logon again, looks and sees they are still in the same security zone, and URL of their trusted website
6.User logs on again (sending credentials to the attacker), and attacker does anything he wants with the post (serve up the actual file, redirect back to the original site, etc.)

Contrast IE’s response to FireFox’s response.

FireFox response:

1.Authenticated users click on HTML file and choose to download, when prompted, users choose “Open” for HTML file, allowing default application to open the downloaded file
2.Default browser (or alternate browser) opens the HTML page from local internet cache after download complete
3.Browser does not resolve relative paths, and URL is changed to show it’s running from a local location
4.Attack is obvious, User doesn’t proceed.

Perhaps I’ve missed something that makes this of no use to an attacker, and perhaps I’ve missed something that makes this an even bigger problem than I realized – but none-the-less, here it is.

r/Darth Jedi

James – here is your equation for your number sequence…

Let x equal the last number in the sequence

Let (the function of) F(x-1) equal the number right before the last number in the sequence

let (the function of) F(x-2) qual the number before the number right before the last

Let a = ((x)-(F(x-1)))

Let b = ((F(x-1)))-((F(x-2))))

Let c = the position of x in the sequence

Let d and e be a place holder for calculations

Let f = the next number in the sequence

So the equation is:




I’m sure there is a much more elegant way to write this out, but when I laid down in bed last night it popped into my head right before I fell asleep, so I figured i’d post it as a blog – so you could see it once you added me as a friend…