
Oh sweet sunlight

That fills my soul,

That makes me whole,

And makes me want to sing

If I should bask

In your love to long,

It brings with it

A mighty sting!

©2005 Jediah Logiodice

Family time…

I don’t usually blog for no apparent reason, but I figured I would tonight.  On Monday of this past week I went rock climbing and mountain climbing… I’m afraid of heights.. but I managed pretty well…

I got up 100 feet or so and back down – while harnessed and locked into the side of the mountain, but I was too scared to go up the other 900 or so feet, attached to nothing but a rope and a piece of metal stuck into the side of the mountain – so instead I decided to climb up the side of the mountain, almost as steep, by myself with no rope, but I had trees and roots and rocks to hold on to.

A couple times I was ready to just throw myself over the side and be done with it – but determined as I was to make it to the top – I did indeed.  Then I sat at the top of the mountain and waited to meet God in the clouds.  I could say that He never showed up, but I’m not so sure… it at least wasn’t the rapture – so, unfortunately I was stuck climbing back down the mountain again (which wasn’t as bad as I feared it was going to be).

Anyway, so then on Tuesday, we went to Story land with the kids.  I have to admit, that while I wasn’t overly impressed at the cost of story land, nor the cliché of the whole ordeal – we did have a lot of fun.  The kids actually got along and stopped fighting for like 6 hours straight, and I actually spent time with my family (without a computer or an IPOD for like 6 hours straight). 

Donovan & Braeden & Bella and I played in the ball house for like an hour, and Donnie & Braeden and I went on the roller coaster ride! 🙂  Amanda went on the crazy barn with Donnie & Brady, and we went on the teacup and floating balloon rides together as a family.  I had A LOT of fun.  I enjoyed myself.  I’m going to put pictures up on the MySpace as soon as I get them from Amanda.

The Hardest Logic Puzzle in the World….

It’s been called the hardest logic puzzle in the world – it did take me a a while to solve it, without having any hints, clues, and never hearing of the puzzle before… It was a lot of fun…. See if you can figure it out (without cheating!). 🙂

Three gods A, B, and C are called, in some order, ‘True’,

‘False’, and ‘Random’. True always speaks truly, False always speaks

falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random

matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking

three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The

gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language,

in which the words for ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are ‘da’ and ‘ja’, in some order.

You do not know which word means which.

Can you solve it?

The Wise Old Owl…

The wise old owl lived in an oak

The more he saw, the less he spoke

The less he spoke, the more he heard

Why shant we be like that old bird?

– John Stott (With minor modifications by Darth Jedi)

To my esteemed scategories cohorts….

I want to formally write a complaint that you guys are intentionally stealing points from me when we play scategories.

Take for example; last night. There was a question that asked us to name something that was in the refrigerator that starts with an N. My answer was “nothing”.

You, my esteemed scategories cohorts refused to accept this answer on the case that you felt that nothing was not something.

Try as I might to help you see the error of your ways by asking you to describe nothing without giving it attributes or qualities which are both necessary and sufficient condition for the being of somethingness, you could only describe nothing by describing something – thus proving my point – and yet, not gaining me points.

I therefore post these three forms of Propositional Logic to affirm the truth of my statement that nothing is really something, and demand a recount of my points! 🙂

Disjunctive Syllogism

Either Nothing is Nothing or Nothing is Something
Nothing is not nothing
Therefore Nothing is Something

Hypothetical Syllogism

If I can describe an object called nothing, then the object called nothing has attributes and qualities
If the object called nothing has attributes and qualities then it must exist as something
I can describe the object called nothing therefore it must exist as something

Modus Ponens

If an object called nothing has descriptive qualities then the object must exist
The object called nothing has descriptive qualities
Therefore the object called nothing exists

If an object exists then it can be included in a set called something
The object called nothing exists
Therefore the object called nothing can be included in a set called something