Two for one special today… double trouble!
He whispered my grace is sufficient for him
Today at lunch time I was thinking about the emotional pain my son has to live with due to the way God created him; and all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with emotion – like a typhoon. First upset, then questioning, then anger, then humility – all within the space of about a minute.
Talk about holding on for your life.
Yet, through the torrent of emotion and weeping, I heard a still small voice say to me:
LORD please do what you have promised your child… my child… please show the richness of your grace, and show your mighty power and strength through the cross you have asked him to bear…
I beg you.
Goodnight Moon
Spring Time Flowers
Is your focus on the king?
When playing chess, there is one ultimate piece on the board… one thing that you focus all your energies on, one thing that you would sacrifice everything for.
That is the king.
There might be two Kings on the board, but YOUR King is the King of Kings.
If you want to be successful, you ned to focus on the King!
© 2012 Jediah Logiodice
Is summer coming
I’m swimming in the
But standing on the ground.
My hair is wet,
My feet are set,
in dirt that’s all around.
I’m looking up and seeing,
the clouds that pass me by.
And as they say,
The ocean bay,
makes up the tears they cry.
© 2011 Jediah Logiodice
Wow I guess it is cold
I told her that it
Was not cold
So then I walked outside.
Please light my coal
And warm my toes,
The snowman yonder cried!
I guess it is cold.
© 2011 Jediah Logiodice
80 Degrees last week – 20 Below this week – What is up with Maine
Braeden 03-26-2012
I think Braeden needs a hair cut!
Donovan 03-25-2012