Isn’t That Ironic

~8 hours ago, Amanda posts the attached facebook message.

~3 hours ago, I almost became a darwinian statistic while carrying a kitchen chair down the stairs, and subsequently stepping on a sleeping cat.

There isn’t much I detest more than cats, besides small bugs such as gnats and mosquitoes and biting flies. It’s ironic that one tried to end my life today. Probably even walked away pissed that I dared to step on it too.

Hopefully There is no permanent damage. I am pretty sure that I’ll return to breathing without pain. I will again get to stand erect, and my legs will eventually come out on the other side of numbness.

It is also ironic that I must have gotten extra points for falling down a flight of stairs: in over 2 years of owning this watch, I’ve never reached my stairs goal.

It so happens, that in one more stroke of pure irony, when exported from the security system, the video always makes a comedic pause at the exact moment I step on the cat.

The rest is a little too embarrassing to share, but to add to the ambiance, the following words went through my mind at that exact moment: valar morghulis.


Blog entry: first day of vacation

Day#1: The time it takes to get the tent put up and taken down has really hampered the overall tone of the day. Perhaps I’ll get used to the nomad life before it’s time to go back to work.

[note: have no idea where I found the image, so can’t provide attribution].

Ehrlich’s Binary Shirt

In case you are wondering:

01000010 = 42h = B (A)
01101001 = 69h = i (A)
01110100 = 74h = t (A)
01100011 = 63h = c (A)
01101111 = 6Fh = o (A)
01101001 = 69h = i (A)
01101110 = 6Eh = n (A)

You know what they say, there are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

To my children on father’s day 2013 – be yourselves!

As a parent, I want to encourage my children to think and act ‘out of the box’. When I was young, I was weird, I was among the first to start dying my hair different colors in our small town in Maine, I was among the first to start shaving designs into my head and my eyebrows. I was among the first to start wearing mismatching shoes or socks, wearing my ties around my forehead instead of around my neck… and the list goes on and on.

2013 Fathers day tie from Braeden
My Father’s day tie 2013 – making everyone jealous!

I want to encourage my children to think differently than everyone else, to march to the beat of their own drum… in fact, at least one of my children, not only march to the beat of his own drum, he invents new types of drum-sticks! I want to encourage that!

So to show my support, I wore my tie to Church today. Yes, there were thousands of people that don’t know me. yes, there are hundreds of people that stared awkwardly. Yes, there were even a few people that commented on and appreciated my tie.

These are the years that they will learn to dance and skip and hop to the music in their head, and not someone else’s tune.

It was very ironic today that Randy from Oak Hills church quoted one of his old professors when he said: “Everyone is born unique, but most die a copy”. Today was my day to remind my children to be themselves – no matter what.

I must say that I am lucky that I only had only one child that made me something wearable this year.

Yet, I wore this to church as I have never really been one to worry about what people think of me – just ask my own parents.


Happy Father’s day to all you Father’s out there.


Lack of honesty, integrity, or do some people actually have alien children.

I spent the day watching the posts on social media; over and over. Amazing father, amazing kids, amazing this, amazing that. Blah, blah, blah.

Do any of you actually live on this planet? Are any of you actually honest with yourselves and the rest of the people in your glocal society. Or, are there actually some people out there that have alien’s instead of children. Let me tell you – that word child and hell aren’t all that far off.

We wake up to fighting, we hear fighting all day, we go to sleep to fighting. It’s non-stop, it’s incessant, it’s unyielding.

People tell me all the time “It’s because you have such smart children”, so I have to ask myself – does that mean everyone else’s children are so dumb? Maybe they just aren’t being honest. Maybe they put up this fake facade.

You see, not only do I have children of my own; but I grew up in a family of 6 children too. There was constant fighting and bickering. There was a general lack of showing love to one another, and caring and companionship.

We all care deeply for each other,, now that we are all grown up and have moved out from under a single roof… so maybe there is hope..

That said, I’m surprised my parent’s didn’t drown us all. Good thing they didn’t.